Do What you love,and love what you do..............
As per my views, sharing stories may raise bar of this article.As mind is more responsive towards imaginations rather than just words.Doing what you love ,and loving what you are doing are like two phases of a coin.Each phase can make you win if you choose the right one or if you are lucky enough.
These lines may sound materialistic to you,and you may thought of .it's good to our ears when we heard off, but completely impractical.
if you are thinking so,you should read this article till the end.................
let me take you through a ride of dreams getting killed , their was a family where every member was jealous of each other,and they were also not rich enough to avoid this.In this family ,there was a boy who was keenly interested towards musical instruments and he was god gifted too: for this.Due to differences no one supports him , not even his parents as they are also following the legacy of being orthodox.one day that little child asked his parents ," i want to follow my heart and want to became a musician".His father slapped him,and asked him to disappear from there.Few days have passed but no one has ever asked where that child was ;suddenly out of no where ,two priests have arrived at their home and asked for that child , mother of that child queries priests,"what happen ,why they are asking about him",and priest said " adbhut hua tera lada,beta mar gaya tera aaj"(your son had died today).that child was met with an accident ,while begging on road for fulfilling his dream.the end would have been different,if anyone helped him. Guys it's very easy to deny to anything rather to accept it.you always love what you dream off.
Being a human,i can relate to many out here.It's very easy to find loopholes in someone's work,it's too easy to find mistakes ,it's too easy to point out at someone , it's bit easy to get anyone down and, knowingly or unknowingly we all are doing it.
Deep down we all now that,but this artificial world won't allow us to remove this mask of being great so easily.Then Just tell me ,when we can't even upraise anyone ,who is following their heart ;how could you think of following your heart.when people can't see anyone happy,how you can expect that someone brings you happiness.
Believe me somewhere or the other you are doing it.People let's stop poking your nose into others work.You can't love your work until you won't love the culture in which you are working in.The culture ,which decides how your day gone be end.Would you like to end your day by fighting with your love ones,or by creating beautiful memories.it's totally up to you.
we are born as humans ,so let's be it by our deeds..........................
" Don't kill dreams,
try to fulfill it........."
By - Vaibhav Pareek
we are born as humans ,so let's be it by our deeds..........................
" Don't kill dreams,
try to fulfill it........."
By - Vaibhav Pareek
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